Grazie Seeweb

Italian text is followed by English text

Gli sponsor sono fondamentali per realizzare il miglior WordCamp possibile e noi gli siamo veramente grati.
Oggi vi presentiamo uno dei nostri sponsor silver: Seeweb

Seeweb è un Cloud Computing Provider in campo dal 1998.

Dotato di quattro datacenter di proprietà, due nella sede di Milano e due a Frosinone, Seeweb è il fornitore ideale per chiunque abbia bisogno di progettare, realizzare o migrare la propria architettura IT in tempi rapidi e nella certezza dell’investimento in soluzioni e infrastrutture moderne e sicure. Su tutte le sedi sono attive infrastrutture Cloud tutte dotate per default di backup off-site (su sede opposta all’allocazione del server), ridondanza N+1 con IP Failover, no overbooking, risorse garantire, storage area network enterprise.

Seeweb soddisfa ogni esigenza: dall’hosting multidominio alla colocation, dal server cloud a prodotti di piattaforma come il database e backup as a service o le soluzioni di streaming multimediali.


Sponsors are the key to a successful WordCamp e we are very grateful to all the great companies and services that have supported us in this endeavor.
Today we present you our silver sponsor Seeweb

Seeweb is one of the leading providers in the market of Cloud Computing, Hosting and Colocation in italy. Today particularly focused on a very wide offer of Cloud products.

These solutions are developed in its own Server Farm of Frosinone and Milan by extremely well qualified technicians and account managers team, always ready to give concrete and innovative solutions.

Informazioni su Francesco Di Candia

My name is Francesco Di Candia and I am a partner in a communication agency in Barletta in the deep south of Puglia, Italy. Officially I deal with the creation of websites with WordPress but, over time, I have become many things. And therefore now I am also involved in helping companies in the transition to digital starting from internal communication, teaching new methods of sharing information. I am also an active member of the Italian and European WordPress community, I take care of the organization of WordCamp in Italy and Europe and I try, together with many other friends, to improve WordPress and its community. For the next WordCamp Europe which will be in Basel from 5 to 7 June 2025, I will be the Team Lead of the Volunteer Team.
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