Grazie WPML

Italian text is followed by English text

Gli sponsor sono fondamentali per realizzare il miglior WordCamp possibile e noi gli siamo veramente grati.
Oggi vi presentiamo uno dei nostri sponsor bronze: WPML

WPML permette di trasformare siti WordPress in siti Multilingua. Funziona con caching, SEO e plugin E-Commerce e permette di costruire siti completamente multilingua. WPML funziona perfettamente per semplici Blog come per siti internet per società e aziende.

WPML permette agli utilizzatori di tradurre qualsiasi cosa nel sito web, incluso contenuti, menu, widget e il testo utilizzato in temi e plugin. WPML viene utilizzato da più di 500.000 siti commerciali da tutte le parti del mondo.

Maggiori informazioni sui nostri prodotti possono essere trovate su

Siamo sempre alla ricerca di nuovi talenti. Se sei un valido programmatore, contattaci qui:


Sponsors are the key to a successful WordCamp e we are very grateful to all the great companies and services that have supported us in this endeavor.
Today we present you our bronze sponsor WPML

WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.

WPML allows users to translate everything in the site, including content, menus, widgets and even theme and plugin texts. WPML powers over 500,000 commercial websites from all over the world.

More information about going multilingual can be found at

We are looking for talent. If you are a smart programmer you are welcome to contact us here:

Informazioni su Francesco Di Candia

My name is Francesco Di Candia and I am a partner in a communication agency in Barletta in the deep south of Puglia, Italy. Officially I deal with the creation of websites with WordPress but, over time, I have become many things. And therefore now I am also involved in helping companies in the transition to digital starting from internal communication, teaching new methods of sharing information. I am also an active member of the Italian and European WordPress community, I take care of the organization of WordCamp in Italy and Europe and I try, together with many other friends, to improve WordPress and its community. For the next WordCamp Europe which will be in Basel from 5 to 7 June 2025, I will be the Team Lead of the Volunteer Team.
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