Enrico Sorcinelli

Enrico Sorcinelli

Quando non impegnato a pestare tasti e tamburi, cerca di fare del suo
meglio occupandosi attualmente dei sistemi CMS di una storica Internet company italiana.
E’ attratto da ogni bazar ove si faccia software libero divertendosi.
E la community WordPress è uno dei suoi posti preferiti.


Informazioni su Francesca Marano

Francesca is the Head of Partnership at Patchstack. She co-led the release of WordPress.org 5.3, 5.4, 6.2, and 6.3. She served as the Core Team global representative and previously as the Community Team rep. Francesca is a passionate speaker, and you can find her around the world talking about WordPress, community, open-source, women in tech, and small businesses. You can check some of her talks on WordPress.tv.
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